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Contact Lindsay Today

I Believe You

Your Lawyer Fighting for Victims of Revenge Porn, Sextortion, Harassment, and Sexual Assault in
NYC | New Jersey | Rhode Island

I Believe You

Your Lawyer Fighting for Victims of Revenge Porn, Sextortion, Harassment, and Sexual Assault in
NYC | New Jersey | Rhode Island

Legal Specialist in Cyber Sexual Misconduct and Harassment Prevention and Response

legal services


Whether you’ve been a victim of Image-Based Sexual Abuse (“revenge porn”), sextortion, blackmail, cyberstalking, a Title IX violation, or some other form of harassment or sexual misconduct – you’re not alone. 

My primary objective is to facilitate your understanding of your rights, ensuring you feel acknowledged and empowered to take the necessary steps. All communication with me is strictly confidential, complimentary, and carries no obligation.

I prioritize establishing a secure, trauma-informed space for our discussions, fostering an environment where you can openly discuss your experiences without apprehension or stigma.

I am committed to empowering you.

What are my options?

Schedule a Free ConsultAtion

Schedule a Free ConsultAtion

You can rely on me to handle anything from negotiating settlements, sending cease and desist letters, or filing a lawsuit.

Legal Action

I will stand up for your right to privacy on websites, social media, or online platforms to get photos + videos removed.


I am an experienced attorney representing victims in family, civil, or criminal court.


How can I help you?

I've spent over a decade working to protect my clients' privacy and give them control back after being subjected to sexual misconduct and harassment.

When something like this happens to you, it’s normal to feel alone and afraid. That’s where I come in.

My clients experience significant relief and freedom because they know I’m there to brainstorm the next step, Google their name to make sure nothing unwanted pops up, and do the mental and emotional work for them so they can focus on school, work, and life.

Let me do the stressful work for you – so you can get back to living your life.

Meet Lindsay Lieberman, trauma-informed attorney for victims of sexual misconduct

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As a parent of two young girls and a trauma-informed sexual harassment + misconduct attorney with over a decade of experience, I’m uniquely positioned to educate, support, and connect with others.

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Talking to me is free and confidential

You deserve to understand your options + possible next steps

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